Today is Thursday, which in my house is loo cleaning day; "how exciting", I hear you say! Well indeed.
I have long been a supporter of environmentally friendly cleaning products, but find them very expensive compared to your usual household-cleaner brand names. In an effort to reduce the grocery bill, I have taken the step of swapping my usual eco toilet cleaner, which costs about £2 for 750ml, to plain old White Vinegar, which cost about the same price for 5litres at my local Costco warehouse.
Apparently vinegar is just as effective at killing germs and I have to say that it is more effective at cleaning the toilet. Squirting it under the rim of my loo took away a whole host of horrible brown limescale scum, that I couldn't see, and that I would normally attack with an old toothbrush every couple of months. So, I was very impressed!
Using a plastic funnel I have filled up all my empty bottles of loo cleaner with vinegar and just because I have loads of it around, I added in some thyme essential oil, which is also extremely anti-bacterial and helps to make the vinegar smell, well, less vinegary. Now, before you say it, essential oils aren't cheap, I know, but I have loads and loads of them left over from when I did an Aromatherapy Diploma. If I didn't have them lying around the house, I wouldn't use them, as the vinegar doesn't actually need it to be effective and the acidic smell really quickly dissipates. Although, I do clean when the rest of the family aren't around as No. 1 Son hates the smell. I hate cleaning the loos, so we are even there!
If you would like to learn more, I found a nice, simple little website which tells you all about the cleaning power of vinegar, called Vinegar Works Wonders.
I have to note, as an addendum, that I have just finished listening to Woman's Hour on Radio 4, where they had two feminist speakers on, Professor Mary Beard and campaigner Beatrix Campbell. Both women were inspirational and make me wonder about the sensibility of blogging about cleaning toilets. But, then again, as much as I hate cleaning them, I hate having a dirty loo more, don't you?
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