Friday, 30 March 2012

Amazing things come in threes!: Saving the Planet, Screenings and Science

Well good people, I can officially let you know that the old saying is true; good things do indeed come in threes!  I have had a whirlwind couple of days containing three fantastic pieces of news. 

My own panda will have to stay at home!
First up WWF's Earth Hour is fast approaching, (tomorrow night, Sat 31st March at 8.30pm), and will see millions of people across the globe turn the collective lights out for an hour, to highlight the need to protect our beautiful planet (pardon the pun!)

After doing my own sit-in and switch-off vigil for the past two years, I fancied doing something more adventurous this year. So, I put my name down to be one of the volunteers with the WWF Scotland team during the filming of Earth Hour at Edinburgh Castle.  And, I got picked!  Hooray!  So, tomorrow night will see me donning a WWF Scotland t-shirt and working on the 'candle set-up team', which sounds like fun, (I delicately declined the 'interesting' offer to dress up as a panda!)

Second up, the brilliant people at 10:10 picked my name out of a virtual-hat to win two free tickets to the Edinburgh showing of The Island President at The Cameo.  I am so pleased! As you know I am counting my pennies, so free cinema tickets are very welcome.  Especially when they are for what promises to be an inspirational film, about a country's struggle with the very literal threat of being washed away because of climate change.

Thirdly, and most fantastically of all, I have been picked to be one of seven official challenge bloggers for the Edinburgh Science Festival, which starts today.  BIG YIPPEE.  I honestly did a little jig around my laptop when I got the e-mail, (I should note that No.1 Son sighed and left the room at this point!)

Being an official blogger means I get £150.00 worth of free tickets to go and see a variety of shows over the course of the festival.  In return, I have to soak up the experience (no hardship there!), take some snaps and report back in a weekly blog post over the festival.   The seven bloggers will also go head-to-head in a 'best blogger competition', which sees one of us winning a Kindle.  But, it is just such a brilliant opportunity, that the fun will all be in the taking part.

Now that I am an "Official Edinburgh International Science Festival Challenge Blogger" (!), I do feel like I want to immediately don a pair of geek goggles and get stuck into some discussions about dark matter and the like! 

I have a well thumbed copy of the programme, and what with teenage nieces and young nephews coming to visit over the holidays, we are all going to be well scienced-up.  Bring it on!!


  1. Congratulations on your three successes! Hope to meet you sometime at the Science festival, with out without geeky goggles!

    1. Thanks Crafty Green :O) Congrats to you too! See you soon!

  2. what a fantastic week! I would love to hear more about Earth hour - how was that for you? We sat infront of the fire here at home and I decided an hour infront of the fire with the lights off is THE answer to stress. It was lovely, really lovely and I plan to do it more often ;)

    1. Your wish is my command Mrs G! New blog post on Earth Hour written up.

      Your hour in front of the fire sounds ideal. More frequent feet-up time is definitely required :O)
