Thursday, 1 March 2012

Goodbye Plastic Bottles; well some of them at least!

I am pretty excited today!  I have found a milkman who will deliver my milk in reusable glass bottles!!! Hooray!!  I can't quite believe it!

My scandelous pile of plastic!
I haven't had a milkman since I was a kid.  I used to love hearing the milk bottles clinking on the doorstep, while I was safely tucked up in bed, with another good hour of snoozing ahead of me.  It is going to be great to open my door to freshly delivered milk again, after a 20 year break.  Plus the fact that I will no longer have to lug heavy bottles of milk back from the supermarket all the time!

I went searching for a milkman, as my plastic bottle pile was getting really out of hand.  And what with the first green principle being 'Reduce', I felt I really had to do something to reduce my mass of plastic. 

Although plastic bottles can be recycled, apparently it is a pretty inefficient process (as opposed to say, aluminium, glass or paper), which is in part due to the variety of different types of plastic mixes which are used to make plastic bottles.  Some people call it plastic downcycling, rather than plastic recycling.  Which does tend to get my guilt-nerve a-twitching.

Farewell Sparkling Mineral Water
So, my Pile'o'Plastic will be relieved of the following:
1. Plastic milk bottles
2. Plastic shampoo bottles (I am making my own shampoo from Soap Nuts, I know, extreme, but true! see my post here)
3.Plastic water bottles (those big bottles of fizzy water were my weekend treat; but they are both expensive and environmentally disastrous, so they have to go.  But don't feel I am being hard on myself, I am already dreaming of the diluting juice that I am going to buy myself tomorrow instead, a particularly flavourful cherry fruit cordial!)
4. Laundry Liquid bottles (I am using Soap Nuts for that too :)

If only I could get No.1 Son to stop drinking bottles of Coke Zero; but a switch to Coke cans may be more likely!  He also refuses to stop using shampoo, and let's not talk about the Pot Noodles! 

What about you?  What is your top-tip for reducing plastic waste?  I would love to hear them :)

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