Tuesday, 29 May 2012

Desire is Fleeting; well almost!

Since undertaking to stop spending and start living, my life has changed quite a lot.  I have tried lots of different things from blogging, tweeting and photography, to volunteering and meeting new people.  My weekends are now packed with picnics and bike rides, and I don't miss shopping one little bit....honest!

What I have noticed about my old Magpie self is that although I still want new things, the desire is fleeting; well for clothes at any rate.

While volunteering in the charity shop I find that one piece of clothing calls out to me to try it on and buy it.  Each time I run a shift it bugs me to take it home.  But, as soon as it is sold to a customer, it doesn't bother me anymore.  I am just glad that the charity has raised some funds.  The weird thing is that the next shift will find a new piece of clothing which says, 'buy me, buy me, buy me' at me all morning.

I love raising money for charity and feel great when I have run lots of sales through the till.  And if you are going to spend money on clothes, charity shopping is a much better bet than supporting unsustainable knock-down price, high street stores and I will definitely be buying clothes there when I do need to make replacements in the future. But, for me, volunteering at the shop has been a great experience to know that I do have will-power after all!

That said, my current Magpie Moments are focused on a Roomba, the hoovering robot (pictured).  I  haven't had a vacuum cleaner, since my previous one died about six years ago.  I got a broom instead, due to cupboard space issues.  I now spend at least 45 minutes each week sweeping.  Which works out at 39 hours per year!  Which is the same as spending three 12 hour days, every year, constantly sweeping!  Oh how dull!! And, oh, what a waste of my life!!  So the desire is very strong and not fleeting at all, for a £300 robot which will do my sweeping for me. My elder sister has a Roomba, and with four kids, she says it is the best thing since sliced bread!

I have almost cracked a couple of times in recent months and have been hovering (as opposed to hoovering!) over my computer, almost ready to click on the 'add to basket' button.  But I have restrained!  How unusual and how amazing! 

But with all the money I am saving on coffees, clothes and eating out, I am sure it won't be too long before the bank balance says 'oh, go on, you can get your Roomba now'.  Oh how I look forward to that day!


  1. Oh man, buy the robot. You're avoiding buying new things to stop unnecessary consumerism I take it? And this isn't unnecessary; it will help free up some time. Sweeping for 39 hours a year isn't a profitable use of your time; in that time you could be doing something else - like baking biscuits to avoid landfill waste or talking to neighbours about environmental stuff ;)

    Not helping am I :P

  2. A-ha Mrs G, I completely agree! However, it is the bank balance and not the consumerism that is holding me back. Soon I will be sweeping brush free!
