Wednesday, 14 September 2011


This afternoon I finally got around to making some jam, after many months of dithering around about it, imagining that it would take hours and hours.

The jam was far easier to make than the chutney, requiring equal amounts of fruit (rhubarb) and jam sugar, along with a lemon (juice and rind), a piece of ginger and half a jar of stem ginger.  Chop/grate everything up, stick it all in a big ceramic bowl, leave for 2 hours, then put it in a pan and basically boil it for 15 mins.  What a piece of cake, and it tastes quite good.  I got four big jars and one small out of the batch, which cost me about 20p per 100g to make.  Ideal!  And far cheaper than the supermarket equivalent.  It was quite fun to make, but only because it was my choice to make it.  If I had to do it each year, it would probably quickly lose it's appeal as a pleasurable past-time.

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