Wednesday, 14 September 2011

Birthday Madness Number Six

Another card is complete:

Auntie Helen's Birthday Card

But I have to admit I don't think that it is very good.  I was trying to see if I could speed the process up a little bit, by using clippings from magazines, rather than painting a picture myself, which takes me an average of about an hour and a half per card.  I was also unsure if my 81 year old Auntie would really want a picture of a cuddly animal to look at.  The major problem with this card was the glue, which just wanted to leak everywhere; but what do they say about bad craftsmen and their tools?!

So far I have felt quite pressurised with this challenge to dramatically reducing spending on birthday cards and gifts.  Having such a long list of things-to-make has meant that I have found myself putting the Birthday Madness Challenge as a priority over other jobs, as I knew the gifts and cards were going to take time to complete and I have wanted to score them off the to-do list.  I do feel much better now that the first 'batch' is finished.  But maybe that is just because I have so many birthdays back to back in the next couple of weeks and it will be less of a manic process from now on.  I hope so, as I want to enjoy it!

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